L'université de Strasbourg détient le label Bienvenue en France

Movie Session in VOST: "A Real Pain"

Activité - Culture - EURAXESS_MOVIE

Date :
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Tarif :
Lieu :
18 Rue du 22 Novembre, 67000 Strasbourg

Inscriptions ouvertes - 14 place(s) disponible(s)

Join your Euraxess center for a movie session in VOST

Your Euraxess centre invites you to an movie night at the Star Saint-Exupéry independent cinema! Join us to discover "A Real Pain" in VOST, a touching and humorous movie that follows David and Benji, two cousins who are at odds with each other, as they travel to Poland to pay tribute to their grandmother. This family journey, between memories, conflicts and reconciliation, will take you on an adventure that is funny, moving and deeply human. Please note that each participant is responsible for his or her own cinema ticket. We strongly recommend that you buy them in advance to ensure that you have a seat on the day, as the number of seats is limited.


Where? => Star Saint-Exupéry cinema - 18 Rue du 22 Novembre, 67000 Strasbourg

When? => Monday, 17th March, meet-up : 20h and movie session : 20h25

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  •    / 
  •   Gratuit
  •   1 All. du Printemps, 67000 Strasbourg

Feedbacks on PhD's skillset

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Register to the session in English  

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  •   Gratuit
  •   European Doctoral College

Témoignage(s) sur les compétences des docteurs

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Inscrivez vous à l'atelier en français sur les compétences de docteur.es 

  •    / 
  •   Gratuit
  •   Collège Doctoral Européen