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Landisoa Rabeson : Madagascan tenured lecturer-researcher at EM Strasbourg Business School

Témoignage - Carrière

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Discover her career path and her advice for pursuing your careers


1 - 2008 - 2015 : from Master to Ph.D

Landisoa holds a Master’s degree in Marketing from the Catholic University of Madagascar located in the capital, Antananarivo, which she obtained in 2008.


Through a partnership between the Catholic University of Madagascar and the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, and as the Valedictorian of her Master's degree, she was selected to receive a doctoral scholarship to enrol in doctoral research at the University of Fribourg in 2011. She successfully obtained her Ph.D in social and economic sciences in 2015.


During her Ph.D, Landisoa was involved in a series of skills-building workshops offered by her doctoral school in Switzerland such as: public speaking, how to present research results, how to promote research and how to apply for a grant.


In parallel to her Ph.D, she also worked as a research assistant which helped her to develop her teaching skills.


2 - 2016 – present: from a second Master to a tenured lecturer-researcher position

Landisoa obtained a second Master’s degree in 2016 from the University Paris-Cité focusing on the link between marketing and ethics in order to introduce and develop a more environmental sustainability in marketing strategy projects.


After the end of her second Master’s degree in Paris, Landisoa obtained a one-year Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant contract at EM Strasbourg Business School from 2016 to 2017. Landisoa was already familiar with the environment in Strasbourg, having supervised and taught exchange students as part of a partnership between the University of Fribourg and EM Strasbourg Business School. 


At the end of the year 2016, she also passed the qualification to apply to tenured lecturer-researcher positions and in 2017, she obtained a position while EM Strasbourg Business School was looking for lecturers-researchers. She is now specialised in services marketing, ethical consumption and digital marketing and part of the « HuMaNiS » research centre (HuManiS: Humans and Management in Society).


She has worked on research projects such as the comparative study of consumer behaviour in France, Germany and Switzerland, financed by the University of Fribourg and her research laboratory HuMaNiS to fund data collection and continues to work in collaboration with the University Paris-Cité on ethical consumption.


3 – Future career goals

Landisoa's objectives include:

  • Obtaining the habilitation to conduct research (HDR): within the next 3 years, Landisoa would like to obtain the HDR to supervise doctoral candidates;
  • Developing international collaborations: Landisoa would like to develop collaborations between the Catholic University of Madagascar and EM Strasbourg Business School to develop study and teaching mobility between Strasbourg and Antananarivo through mobility agreements or the development of a double diploma for example.


4 – Advice for researchers pursuing their careers


  • Taking advantage of international experiences: international experiences are very valuable assets for application files;
  • Fluency in English: to be eligible for the lecturers-researchers positions, you must be fluent in English and be able to carry out research and teach in English.
  • Doing something you really enjoy and that makes sense for you: giving meaning to your work is very important and helps you to stay motivated, which can include additional training or learning new skills, for example, to focus your research in such a way that you progress in a field that you are passionate about.